Q: What does the wristband entitle me to?

A: The Cardiff Freshers Fortnight wristbands are a rite of passage for students coming to study in Cardiff. By purchasing one wristband, you will be granted entry to between 2 full weeks of events across the freshers period. Wristbands guarantee you entry, save you money and offer you the greatest variety of events and clubs to enjoy during your freshers.

Q: Do I get a physical wristband?

A: Yes, when you purchase a wristband online, that is your proof of purchase. When you arrive in Cardiff, you will go to a collection point to pick up your actual wristband – like a festival wristband made of fabric – which will be put onto your wrist. This is then what you show on the front door of the club each night to gain entry.

Q: How can I ensure I get the best value for money?

A: Buying a wristband is the cheapest and most varied way to enjoy freshers.

You can buy single tickets to some of the individual events (not all), but this will work out a lot more expensive.

The average entry price of a freshers event is £10 per night. A full 2-week wristband can be bought for as little as £20 (£10 per week). Even if you get a wristband and only go out twice out of a possible 2 full weeks, you still won’t have spent more than you would have by purchasing single tickets or paying on the door.

You can also earn a free wristband by signing up as a rep and selling 5 wristbands – this is easy to do and means you can experience all the freshers events on offer for absolutely FREE. More information HERE.

Q: What other benefits do I get as a wristband holder?

A: In addition to saving a substantial amount of money, all wristband holders are guaranteed entry to the club and receive priority queuing every night of the week. This means that there is a special queue for people who have wristbands and they will be given entry to the club before those who turn up without tickets looking to ‘pay on the door’.

If you are someone planning to pay on the door, you may have to wait until wristband holders have been given entry first, and there’s no guarantee you’ll actually get in at all. If the club fills up with people who have wristbands and tickets, you’ll have to wait in line until some people leave the club before gaining entry.

Q: What happens if I lose my wristband?

A: If you lose your wristband or decide to cut it off, you should let us know immediately. If there are any spare wristbands available you may be given another one, otherwise you will need to use your proof of purchase each night, though this is not a desirable situation and could cause you delays and difficulty when entering the clubs. Make every effort not to lose or damage your wristband to avoid any inconvenience.

Q: Where do I collect my wristband from?

A: There will be two collection points where you can collect your wristbands.

The locations of the collection points will be emailed out to all wristband holders nearer to the time and posted on our website/socials. At the collection points you will also have the opportunity to collect freebies, ask questions, buy extra tickets, sign up to work and will also be given a freshers pack full of goodies and information about the freshers period.

If you are unable to make it to the collection point, a friend can collect on your behalf by bringing your wristband confirmation along with them. We scan the QR code that is attached to your ticket so you do not strictly need to be there in person. Just be sure to send someone you trust. If you’re unable to make such an arrangement, please let us know and we will advise on what to do.

Q: What if I miss out on the wristbands?

A: Wristbands sell out every year. The sooner you buy, the cheaper the wristbands are. If you miss out on the wristbands all together, you may be able to buy single tickets to some of the individual events and/or pay on the door.

Q: Should I buy wristbands second-hand?

A: We would strongly discourage you from buying wristbands from unreliable sources. In previous years people have been scammed and sold a wristband which is unusable, meaning they’ve had to buy tickets on top of the fake wristband they bought in order to gain entry to the nights. Our official wristbands are only available via this website and on Fixr (ticketing app).

Q: Can I pay on the door for events?

A: For some events, you may be able to pay on the door to get in however, this will work out far more expensive than buying a wristband and leaves you at the risk of not getting in at all if there is no space in the club.

Q: What forms of ID are accepted at the clubs?

A: You will be required to prove your age at every nightclub over freshers. Clubs will accept driving licenses (provisional and full), passports, birth certificates and in some cases, Citizen Cards.

Q: How can I get involved with working at the events and what are the benefits?

A: Click HERE to apply to work with us. With events happening all year round there is a lot of earning potential and excellent perks that come with the job e.g.

Free entry to all club nights

Free Drinks

VIP and Queue Jump

Staff Socials

Staff Uniform and Merch

Team Holidays abroad and trips to other cities

For more information apply using the form HERE